This week at St Gregory's
Welcome to St Gregory's!
Please scroll down for our weekly news
Pew News w/b Sunday 26th January Epiphany 3
Dear All
I hope you are keeping well, as I know there are a number of winter viruses circulating at the moment.
“Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Luke 4:21
Over the past few weeks we have seen the three fold revelation of Jesus as the Son of God at the Epiphany, his Baptism and the miracle of Cana.
This Sunday our Gospel reminds us that Jesus is both the Teacher and the subject matter: He is the Word of God made flesh.
In Luke 4 as He fulfils the words of the prophet Isaiah 61:1-2, we find Jesus stating his mission and ministry, as well as defining the character of the church that will follow from that ministry:
As Son of God He is the bearer of the Holy Spirit; as Prophet He is the good news for all people-not just Israel- and as Messiah He is the one who saves, who brings release to all those who are oppressed, blind and captive- both literally and figuratively- as we see evidenced in the rest of Luke’s Gospel and his Book of Acts.
As followers of the same Jesus Christ today, this reading challenges us again about being willing to not just hear, but truly listen to the words of Christ, our Lord, Saviour and Teacher and be open to allow Him to teach us, heal us, transform us, that we may be good news to our village and to the world.
NEHEMIAH 8: 1-3,5-6,8-10
1 CORINTHIANS 12: 12-31
LUKE 4: 14-21 (GOSPEL)
Sunday 26th January Epiphany 3
8am Holy Communion (traditional language)
10am Parish Eucharist- followed by coffee
Weds 29th
9am Morning Prayer
2.50pm School worship- please note new day/time
Thurs 30th
7pm-8.30 pm New church singing group.If you are interested in joining, contact [email protected]
Friday 31st
9am School worship
Sun 2nd Feb Candlemas
8am Holy Communion (traditional language)
10am Parish Eucharist- followed by coffee
4pm Family Christingle Service- all welcome
Tues 4th
11.30am Funeral of Margaret Clack
Weds 5th
9am Morning Prayer
11amMonthly Holy Communion
Organ loft window being removed for restoration today
Sat 8th
7pm Pilgrim Praise @ Shillingstone- informal worship
Fri 14th
12pm Village Prayer at Methodist Church
Sun 16th
10am Parish Communion. Revd Angus’ last service- followed by Bring and Share lunch- please sign up.
Weds 26th
7pm PCC meeting at the Rectory
Weds 5th March Ash Wednesday
11am Holy Communion with imposition of ashes
Friday 7th March
12pm Village Lent Talk & Lunch series begins 1/6
- Our neighbours at St Mary’s Sturminster are holding a Wedding Dress Exhibition Fri 24th & Sat 25th January 10am-3pm—as part of the Wedding Fayre held in the Exchange, where Revd Mary of the Pilgrim Group will be on Sat 25th to chat about church weddings.
- If you or a family member are interested about having a future wedding in St Gregory’s please get in touch with Revd Gaenor.
- Our PCC still need a new Health and Safety officer as from February. If you can offer some time to this role, please speak to Revd Gaenor or Chris Langhelt as soon as possible.
- Our school is looking to expand after school activities. If you have a skill you are happy to teach/share with the children on a regular basis please contact Mrs Farndale- headteacher- via office tel: 820206
- Please pray for all those who seek to build up the worldwide Church, through mission, evangelism and compassionate action
- Pray for the ministry of our link Dioceses of The Sudans:
- Please pray for all in or from our parish who are currently ill in body, mind or spirit- for healing and wholeness
Every blessing
Rector Revd Gaenor Hockey
01258 821605 [email protected]
Part time: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday
Assistant Curate Revd Angus Mayhew 07788100885 [email protected]
Shared curacy: Marnhull and Gillingham Team
Full time. Rest day: Monday
Licensed Lay Minister Judith Male
07852780517 [email protected]
Churchwarden Barrie Jenks
01258 821604 [email protected]
Church is open daily: 9am – 4.30pm
Facebook/stgregschurch and musicatstgregs
Pew News for w/b 19th January Epiphany 2
Dear All
I hope that all is well with you.
Especially after the festivities, you may now have a special bottle of wine, whiskey or even champagne, sitting in a cupboard somewhere and you hoping it will improve with age…
Our Gospel this Sunday is about the first miracle of Jesus: turning ordinary water into very special wine… and it challenges our hearts and lives: that is, the invitation to all of us to taste the Kingdom of God, not just in the future, but in the here and now- in the complexity and mess of our world, in our lives- and allow Jesus to transform us, that our shame through God’s grace may be changed to joy. God’s grace and love is generous beyond our imagining, as we are shown in this the first of the signs or miracles of Jesus, which are shown throughout the Gospels.
The gifts of Jesus extend well beyond meeting the needs of the moment for health or safety or food. In this miracle, those gifts encompass the celebration of life itself. We are reminded of the words of Christ later in this Gospel: “I have come that they may have life- life in all its fullness” John 10:10 That is to say, the sheer abundance of the gifts Jesus brings to humankind extends beyond what any human being can ask or think or comprehend. This is truly life in all its fullness.
So at the beginning of a new year, let’s de-clutter our lives from all that is unhelpful, through genuine confession, repentance and openness to God’s grace and ask God to begin a new work of transforming us through the Holy Spirit, so that when we come to the end of our lives, we can testify that in the economy of God, the best is yet to come.
A prayer for Epiphany 2
Drawn by God’s grace, love and constant faithfulness to us, let us pray:
We pray for all those who would love to believe, but cannot yet trust in the living God.
We pray for those who have rejected God because of the unloving behaviour of his followers.
We pray for those whose lives feel empty and lacking real meaning.
We pray for those whose shame and guilt stop them from receiving your love
We pray for those whose frailty, pain or illness makes it difficult to pray.
We thank you for all the joys of loving relationships, for all the friendships we share and for the love we are enabled to give.
Fill us Lord: make us vessels of your mercy and hope.
And fill us to the brim and overflowing with your grace, life and joy.
ISAIAH 62: 1-5
1 CORINTHIANS 12: 1-11
JOHN 2: 1-11
Sunday 19th January Epiphany 2
8am Holy Communion (traditional language)
10am All Age Worship- followed by coffee
Tues 21st
2pm for 2.30pm Deanery Synod at The Exchange, Sturminster- open meeting focussing on church buildings
Weds 22nd
9am Morning Prayer
Fri 24th
9am School Worship- coffee served from 8.30am
Sat 25th
9am-11am Churchyard/church working party- coffee and bacon rolls provided. All welcome to come & help.
Sunday 26th January Epiphany 3
8am Holy Communion (traditional language)
10am Parish Eucharist- followed by coffee
Thurs 30th
7pm-8.30 pm New church singing group/choir. If you are interested in joining, contact [email protected]
Sun 2nd Feb Candlemas
8am Holy Communion (traditional language)
10am Parish Eucharist- followed by coffee
4pm Family Christingle Service- all welcome
Weds 5th Feb
11amMonthly Holy Communion
Sat 8th Feb
7pm Pilgrim Praise @ Shillingstone
Fri 14th
12pm Village Prayer at Methodist Church
Sun 16th
10am Parish Communion. Revd Angus’ last service- followed by Bring and Share lunch.
Weds 26th
7pm PCC meeting at the Rectory
Weds 5th March Ash Wednesday
11am Holy Communion with imposition of ashes
Friday 7th March
12pm Village Lent Talk & Lunch series begins 1/6
- Our PCC need a new Health and Safety officer as from February. If you can offer some time to this role, please speak to Revd Gaenor or Chris Langhelt as soon as possible.
- Please pray for communities around the world devastated by war, wildfires, floods and droughts- for swift and fair action to restore homes and lives
- Pray for all those in our Pilgrim Group preparing to get married this year- for faithfulness, love and joy
- Pray for our Deanery and all those who have responsibility for our historic church buildings
- Please pray for Peter Clack and his family as they mourn the death of Margaret last week- for comfort and peace in grief
- Please pray for all in or from our parish who are currently ill in body, mind or spirit- for healing and wholeness
Rector Revd Gaenor Hockey
01258 821605 [email protected]
Part time: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday
Assistant Curate Revd Angus Mayhew
Shared curacy: Marnhull and Gillingham Team
Full time. Rest day: Monday
Licensed Lay Minister Judith Male
07852780517 [email protected]
Churchwarden Barrie Jenks
01258 821604 [email protected]
Church is open daily: 9am – 4.30pm
Facebook/stgregschurch and musicatstgregs