Children & Families
At St Gregory's we welcome children of God of all ages to join us
We welcome people of all ages
Children and families are an important part of the life of St Gregory's
All age worship: 3rd Sunday of each month @ 10am
Church worship every week with St Gregory's CE Primary School
At St Gregory’s Church, we are fortunate to have strong links with our village Voluntary Aided Church Primary School just up the road, which children who live in Marnhull attend, together with others from the surrounding area who have chosen St Gregory’s School for their child.
As a church community we welcome the whole school each week for WEDNESDAY WORSHIP AT 10.30AM n Church, where parents/carers are always welcome.
The worship is planned and led by the year 6 Worship Ambassadors with support from Revd Gaenor and Mrs Cook-Paine (RE and worship lead teacher) and uses each of the school’s values as its basis every half term.
The school values explored in our church and school worship each term are FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE. – biased on
The school joined the Pickwick Academy Trust in 2024.
Volunteers to escort the children safely to and from the church are always welcome.
The school welcomes volunteers to hear children read. Please contact the school office for more information (see below)
Revd Gaenor is on the Local Governance Committee with particular responsibility for the School’s RE, worship, spirituality and pastoral care.
If you are interested in being a school Foundation Governor or volunteer please contact Revd Gaenor [email protected] or see below.
To know more about the school, follow the link below:

Being a Foundation Governor at St Gregory’s VA Primary School ( Salisbury Diocese)
The responsibilities of a foundation governor – now called Guardians- are the same of those of other governors. In addition, Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education describes the role of the Foundation Governor as a form of ministry. We believe that those who serve in this way are called by God to do so, and as such, their Christian faith is fundamental to their exercise of their role. The key function of foundation governors is to ‘explore, with their partners on the Governing Body, ways in which the Church’s role in the school may be more fully and positively implemented’.
So what does this mean? As representatives of the church’s role in the school, foundation governors must:
•Fully support, cherish, preserve and develop the distinctive Anglican and Christian ethos of the school, ensuring that the school has a distinctive Anglican and Christian vision and values which lead to effective practice and outcomes
•Preserve and strengthen the links between church, school and Diocese
•Take an active role in the school’s self-evaluations of progress against the ‘Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools’ (SIAMS) schedule
•Ensure that collective worship and religious education at the school follow the appropriate guidelines and/or syllabus
•Ensure that collective worship at the school is in accordance with the tenets and practices of the Church of England
•Encourage, support and challenge the school towards aspirations that are transformational
•Ensure that collective worship and religious education at the school are appropriately monitored
•Ensure that the distinctive Anglican and Christian ethos of the school is encouraged and supported throughout its local community and is reflected in its policies and protocols, its curriculum and activities
•Ensure that their own attitudes and behaviour in relation to the school reflect its distinctive Anglican and Christian ethos
•Make sure that the School Improvement Plan includes strategy for the development of areas reflected in the school’s SIAMS self-evaluation document
•Inform the SDBE when the Headteacher post becomes vacant and, in partnership with the Chair of Governors, invite a representative of the Diocesan Director of Education to advise and attend throughout the appointment procedure
•Support and challenge the leadership within the school in their links with the wider parish(es) and community and to promote support for school activities and initiatives relating to its Christian distinctiveness and effectiveness
If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact your local school, clergy or:
Main contacts:
Foundation Governance and Academy Trusts Adviser Dan Roberts 01722 548923 |
Dan supports foundation governors in their role and works with schools and parishes in governor recruitment, retention and training.
All information taken from Diocesan website 050621