Community Life

Community and Covid

St Gregory's is fully involved in community initiatives in Marnhull

Participation in our village life

Community Life


Those you find attending services at St Gregory’s are, naturally, a part of the local community, and you will find them supporting, and participating, in many of our splendid village clubs, associations and activities. 


We are pleased to have shared with the other churches in Marnhull in setting up a scheme for welcoming new residents to the village, offering fellowship through a monthly lunch club, and providing lifts for those who need them to keep appointments etc. Originally Marnhull Church Care, this is now ‘owned’ by the community as a whole, is called Marnhull Village Care, and can be found through the following link :marnhull-village-care

This scheme celebrated its 50th year in 2024!


Started by the Church too, and now expanded to provide a forum for the whole community, is the Marnhull Messenger, a monthly publication readily available in the churches and village shops in its printed edition, and at in its online form.


St Gregory’s has a Facebook Page where Revd Gaenor posts thoughts and news for the week,  This web site provides information about the various activities and clubs in the village.  Information on the village can also be found on the parish council web site


The Salisbury Diocese is linked with the Anglican Church of Sudan and South Sudan and St Gregory’s is kept up to date with their news, you can find out more on the web page here

Our deanery is specifically linked with Lui 


St Gregory’s, through its clergy is always ready to respond to requests for a visit by those who are elderly or infirm or who for any other reason would like to see a representative from the Church. (Please see Home Page for details or click on the link)


We have put together a contact list of organisations that can help. Please visit this page:

Funerals and Memorial Services 

Safari Fete August Bank Holiday 2020
welcome to our Safari Fete
Plant stall experts
cake stall- quickest sell out!
first flowers after first lockdown
art corner @ Safari Fete 2020
School crown of flower for Platinum Jubilee 2022
Village posies for Motheirng Sunday during the pandemic
Bp Stephen blessing new school spiritual garden May 2024